Efekt - budowa pawilonów, hal, magazynów i warsztatów

EFEKT – Construction of pavilions, halls, warehouses and workshops

Apart from small facilities such as pavilions and containers, we also produce industrial facilities such as halls, workshops, warehouses and technical objects. When planning the construction of larger facilities already at the project stage, it is worth taking advantage of our advice in the field of lightweight construction technology.


We provide comprehensive workmanship; we prefer the “design and build” model even if the client is not entirely committed, we will suggest and advise solutions perfectly suited to your needs. This is what our company stands for – experience and individual approach to the customer.


Industrial and technical facilities, warehouses and workshops are made entirely in lightweight housing technology. The frame is a load-bearing structure encased in a thermally insulated sandwich panel, which has very good thermal properties (low permeability).


The objects can be equipped with sectional, sliding or roller gates. Additionally, windows, glass or steel (technical) doors, electrical installation, social rooms for employees, canteens, dining rooms, social facilities including equipment.


The facility is transported to the assembly site through a platform. There, our group of experienced fitters will ensure that all works are carried out in accordance with the applicable health and safety regulations, with special care and attention to all details, according to the documentation designed for your facility.